Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why Do I...

It's amazing how we get caught up in trends, exactly who decides what's gonna be the in thing anyway? I mean who puts it out there first? I'd like to meet these charismatic individuals! Now that's what you call power! To have an impact on millions of people, to be able to get them shamelessly copy your style. There are even people out here buying merchandise that they don't like or feel comfortable in, some can't even afford it! I have witnessed this madness I was shopping with a friend and she picked up this funny looking shirt commenting on how cute it was, I asked if she was serious and she replied "But it's a Donna Karan!" So is that what made it cute? I know that everyone has there own taste, I'm fine with that but I have a problem with someone only buying an expensive item just because it's expensive! I've experienced the same thing with cars, somebody loves a car until they discover it doesn't have the "right" emblem. Come on now! You loved the car prior to seeing it's emblem, nothing has changed except the emblem - so why the sudden change of heart? That's so sad, It really is because what's it says to the world is that this person does not know who they are. By the you know who you are? Do you need other people's approval before you decide if you like or are okay with something?(Please be honest with yourself...if no one else.)If this is the case for you may I suggest you read Approval Addition by Joyce Meyer? I'll admit I've had my moments with the designer phase and fallen into that place of needing to be validated by my social standing at times and I'm very happy to say that I've gotten up! It didn't last long, thanks to my ability to be brutally honest with myself. The money just wasn't matching the merchandise! What since does it make to go into debt buying what you can not afford to fatten the pockets of someone who's already financially set? It means more to me for my family to have financial security than to be able impress other people. The designers or the society we so desperately want to be validated by couldn't care less, once you're out of sight you're out of mind. We must know who we are, that's why I love the Obamas! They know who they are, which allows them to be comfortable in their skin. This is a good place to be whether you're wealthy or not, the world is so different when you know who you are because you no longer feel the need to be who you think others want you to be. I'm trying to keep my children from having this mindset, I show them that we are not... what we live in or what we drive, or what we wear that's not what makes us who we are! I try to help them realize that it's what on the inside that matters most because if we were to be stripped of all the material things we will still be who we truly are. So my number one priority is to encourage my family, friends and anyone else that I blessed to be able to come in contact with to work on the inner first. When you're healthy on the inside (mind body and spirit) it will radiate, people will take notice and this my friend is the type of attention that money can not buy.


  1. First…THANK YOU for opening this forum and conversation. This is something my friends and me have discussed, confided and admittedly… succumb to wanting to LOOK and feel like more through having just the right THINGS. It is quite a phenomenon.
    What this conversation calls to mind is WHY? There is always a good reason in the minds of those who do what they do.
    Nope… people really don’t see wanting a Lexus and buying one wrong when all you really can reasonable afford is an Escort as a advertising TRICK. A BIG diamond engagement ring some how magically indicates that you and your mate have MORE LOVE than a woman who just wears a wedding band right?
    But hold up…it’s easy to SAY this or that but were you one of those ladies who over looked the brotha who didn’t have a fresh hair cut or had an imperfect smile? Would you have dated someone or set your sights on the man in the 1980s outfit in 2009? Would you TRY to change him or accept him just as he is? Do you think brothas that don’t have that gangsta swagger are nerds? Could he earn your love or even get your attention? If a man came to you and said…I don’t have NOTHING to offer you BUT my love (after he has proven he loves you)…would you turn him away or take him in? This is not an attack…just asking.
    Cause my hypothesis is… THAT is WHY often the value of people nowadays is linked to HAVING THE RIGHT THINGS.
    I thank and praise GOD you have a man and a family and the sun shines on you every day. What people need to read is not what we are doing WRONG but how we can make it right and WHY doing so will make it better.
    NO I don’t condone and I TRY NOT to participate in the madness. But I KNOW people want to feel good about themselves and sometimes HAVING THINGS is the only way they know how. Now that I have come down from my soap box…will you?

  2. I like what you endeavor to do here on this blog...I only WISH men were more into creating a forum like this one.
    One of the things that came to my mind is what are your credentials for giving advice? I don't mean you need to be a PhD or a relationship counselor/pyschiatrist...but what makes you uniquely qualified to give advice? Or is it simply this is just a place where you are sharing your thoughts, ideas, convictions, life experiences and opinions and are willing to read other peoples?
