Friday, July 24, 2009

Holding on....

When you are holding on to Jesus you are never to let go! Now I'll be the first one to tell someone not to chase someone or to let go if things aren't working, but when it comes to King Jesus we are to hold on until we take our last breath! First of all out of everyone we can trust we can trust Jesus, He wants what's best for us. When God does allow us to be uncomfortable and we experience pain of some sort, physical or otherwise there's a purpose for it. When we hold on and don't walk away prematurely we learn, again ( that's the purpose of pain it is to teach us. If we we're as obedient as we should be in the first place it wouldn't take all that it does to make us stop and give God our undivided attention (which He knows how to get when He's ready!). Unfortunately human nature is not always so cooperative, therefore we have to have circumstances that stops us dead in our tracks (illness, lack, break ups etc.) come upon us so that we can slow down and reevaluate our priorities. God doesn't want us to settle for crumbs! He wants us to have abundant life but he knows just how much to give us and how soon we should have it. So if you're in a place of wanting to let go you must remember that your heavenly Father knows what we need, He knows our limits, He knows all things. For those who've already thrown in the towel pick it up again! Don't be so concerned with what you did wrong (He already knew what you would do anyway) God unlike people, looks on our hearts and He judges us by our intentions not only our actions. Apologize to those whom you've hurt/offended/disappointed and forgive if you were on the receiving end. Whatever the case maybe there's nothing too hard for God! I love that God knows us through and through, even better than we know know ourselves! He understands our propensity to simply put -MESS UP. The best part about it is He is able
to fix anything...when we let Him. So please don't let go, even when we're feeling our worst we must hang on and He will bring us through. He's faithful that way.

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