Monday, July 27, 2009

Wha'ts It Gonna Be?

Loneliness means to be alone, isolated or looking for company. Feeling this way could cause one to make a whole lot of bad choices! When feeling extremely lonely we could very easily find ourselves dating someone we wouldn't have usually given a second glance. Our list of physical requirements that we've created for the ideal man gets shorter and shorter and the bar that we've set according to our idea of a successful man gradually gets lower and lower. We even start hanging out with platonic friends we wouldn't have chosen prior to experiencing loneliness. In some cases the one that we want to be with isn't ready for a serious relationship but doesn't have the decency to tell us, so he tries to have his cake and eat it too. However we're so caught up in him we don't even realize it, which only makes matters worse! Now we have that physical someone set in our sights, we're imagining what it would be like to live with him, and if we were to be really honest... subconsciously we're planning to spend the rest of our lives together. Why do we do this to ourselves ladies? We allow ourselves to go too far within the confines of our minds let alone reality! When we began to all these emotions we need to STOP!!! Ask yourself first - not him, how does he feel about me? Do we share in these sentiments? Is he someplace imagining what life would be like with me? Ladies it's crucial that we are 100% honest with ourselves. We must be willing step back, examine and confront the painful as it may be. Ask I doing all or most of the calling/communicating? Is he always the one getting off the phone first? Am I the one who's always initiating our spending time together? Try waiting for him to ask you to go out sometimes, and please don't buy the I don't know what you want me to do line. Men know what to do when they want to do it! If they're interested in someone they will call, they will come and they will do! We have to stop accepting any and everything they tell us. Bottom line you can't be afraid to lose someone, when you are, you're at their mercy. I heard someone say the person who cares the least controls the relationship, this makes sense to me because if you're dealing with someone who could take or leave you they will do just that,"TAKE OR LEAVE YOU!" Because it really doesn't matter to him, I'm sorry to say but if this is the case for you acknowledge it, pull the blinders off and SEE WHAT IS THERE and not WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE. You have to be okay with being single for a while, we can no longer put our lives on hold while waiting for anything! Tomorrow is not promised, we have to keep living and make it a priority to enjoy ourselves as often as we can. I always hear women say they met their mate when they wasn't even thinking about a relationship. The women I talked to said they just stopped worrying about having somebody and started enjoying their lives. You will not be able to do this on your own, you will need God to give you wisdom, discernment, to strengthen you. It would help to have some supportive non-judgmental friends in your corner. Once you take this step you're well on your way to getting who and what it is that you truly desire.


  1. YOU are talking about something worthwhile...carry on! Sometimes though it is the pitfalls we endure that teaches us the most valuable lessons...not just about men but about PEOPLE and most of all our own self. It appears what should be natural to mankind has become such a complicated endeavor. Civilization. I believe with the state of the world in most places, the economy and life for not only the poor but ALSO the rich, at this point, we have already unknowingly began the journey to simplicity for the sake of salvation. I know...that's perhaps a little deep but I like to go there now and again. Let us all holler…JESUS!

  2. Hi Stephanie! Thanks for your candid response, as I said in my profile I have a deep passion for the welfare of women. It certainly is not my intent to berate to or to appear to be superior to anyone it's by the grace of God that my life is blessed as such. The purpose of my blogs are to communicate by offering and receiving advise. It's another way for me to reach out to those who are looking for a place to exhale. I can say for myself when I'm having a heart to heart with someone I'm able to get answers about something I've been pondering. So many of our answers lies within us. As far as a man who comes to me and says "I don't have NOTHING but love." That's not enough! As wonderful as love feels it can't keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. A man needs to be a man which entails working at some kind of job and toward some kind of goal that will enable him to have SOMETHING. Stephanie my motive here is to be heplful and nothing else. Again I sincerely appreciate your feed back and I look forward to hearing more from you.
