Sunday, July 26, 2009

I would like for you to join me in this little exercise I'm doing, every time you're tempted to be negative switch gears. If you're about to have a negative thought think of something positive - if you want to complain give thanks - if you're tempted to say something bad say something nice and if you find yourself frowning start smiling. I don't think we're aware of just how negative we can be. I'm going to do this for twenty four hours, I'm hoping you will join me and even share it with others. Before we start let's take a few minutes to release.
you're trying to get off the phone and the other party keeps talking?( they don't even pause so that you can tell them you have to go.)
some one's lying but you can't say anything because you will reveal your source?
you've been thinking about eating something all day, but someone got to it before you could?
you're in a hurry driving behind somebody who's going real slow and looking around?
people talk to close to your face, they spit while they're talking or has bad breath?
someone tells the same story and keeps going after you've reminded them that they've told you already?
people sneeze, burp, cough or pass gas and there's no place for you to get away?(this usually happens on the plane-I hate it!)
your friend buys everything you buy?
people agree just keep everyone happy?
people don't speak up for themselves but want you to speak up for them?
somebody can see what's wrong with every one except them?
some body's watching you and you don't know it?( like when you're yawning or eating fast)
somebody keeps slapping you five?
ugly people call other people ugly?
people talk about spending their income tax check a hundred different ways?
people make sure you know what they paid for something?
people ask you for a bite? what's a bite gonna do for them?
some one's in charge and they need for everybody to know it?
people take credit for something they didn't do?
people say"I don't care but you know they do?
people brag about what other people have?(still can't figure that out!)
people give you wrong directions?
you go out and your friends are ready to go home but your not?
you take orders before going to the store and the people who didn't get anything ask for some of your food?

Okay-okay the list is never ending! For twenty four hours we are not to respond to these or any other types of anger provoking situations in a negative way.

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was odd that you say the exercise is about being positive and then YOU LIST over a dozen negatives. That's okay cause I hate all of that too.
    Something positive inspite of...
    -It's nice when the weather outside is rainy and a thunderstorm is brewing and you are blessed to wake up to live another day
    -Even though you don't have enough money for all your bills you have a job and a pay check coming on Friday
    -The car you have has a bad paint job and at times chokes smoke but it gets you to where you need to go and there's no car payment
    -A past experience was hurtful and you remember it well but it was that which made you come to realize you are far stronger for it, you are definitely wiser and now you have a testimony which might help someone else who is going through the same thing.
    There IS a BRIGHT SIDE to everything.
