Sunday, August 2, 2009

He Won't Marry Me!

If you've been in a relationship and you're ready to get married but he's made it very clear that he doesn't want to get married chances are very slim that you will. If you've already been living as if you're married that's makes them even slimmer. Most men thinks if it's already working while you're living together why is it necessary to get a piece of paper? The men I've talked to don't think it makes a difference. I don't mean to sound judgmental, I'm the last one to pass judgment on anyone because my husband and I were together a long time before we said "I do." However, our feelings were mutual, neither of us ever ruled out marriage we just had the "one day it will happen" mindset. At one point we'd even gotten engaged but never took it any further. Then sure enough the process began, one Sunday I went to church and the sermon was about fornication(having sex without marriage.)I still remember that sermon like it was yesterday, I was sinking lower and lower every time I heard the words; "STOP FORNICATING!" yelled from the pulpit. I felt so guilty! That message had a great impact on me, all of a sudden I was no longer satisfied with just living together anymore, I felt I needed to be married and quickly! For those of you who are wondering just where it says that in the bible read 1Corinthians's chapter 7 verses 2&3. As I was saying just living together wasn't comfortable for me anymore, on the other hand there was still another part of this equation to be considered-my fiance who hadn't had a spiritual encounter at all! That didn't bother me though because my mind was made up! I told him that I couldn't do it anymore, I told him that I wasn't going to keep living with him without being married, my conscious couldn't take it anymore. By this time we had a four year old whom we could have passed this life style onto, it was like a light came on and I could see clearly. I had already resolved in my mind that somebody was leaving if we weren't going get married so I had peace about calling it quits, and I wasn't afraid to lose him at all. I loved him very much but I didn't want to hold on to someone who didn't think enough of me to marry me. God had really awakened something in me, I remember being fearless(I sure wish I could have that attitude for every situation!) Within about a week my fiance called me from work and told me to start planning our wedding. This may not be the most romantic story, but my point is I didn't settle for just living together as boyfriend and girlfriend. I could have allowed the fears I spoke of earlier to overwhelm me but with the help of my God I found the strength I needed to speak out and stand my ground. It hasn't always been a walk in the park, we've had our ups and know all the stuff married people say! I won't say what usually comes next because there are some things I would change, but I will say that it is worth it. Yes having a strong marriage and a happy family is worth every bit of the work you have to put into it. My husband and I will be celebrating our 16Th wedding anniversary soon Praise God!

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