Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are You Only Sorry You Got Caught?

"I'm sorry" is extremely hard for some of us to say but it can be even harder for some of us to display. And how does one show that they are sorry anyway? Who decides whether there is a right or wrong way to do this? I don't think there's a right or wrong way personally but if someone has to tell you than perhaps you're not truly sorry, maybe you're only sorry for getting caught. I think that a person who is truly remorseful is willing to do whatever it takes(within reason)to show the person that they've hurt or offended just how sorry they are. I say within reason because I've heard people makes some ridiculous request, someone told me their offender should be willing to take a lie detector test and jump through hoops to prove their sincerity, I do not condone this madness. Someone like this will never be satisfied-ever! They will always have that question mark in the back of their minds. Let's talk about the person who is sorry for what they've done, this person is first and foremost willing to right any wrongs if it's possible for them to do. They're willing to come clean about the lies that they've told, they don't plan on lying anymore because they realize the damage that they've caused and they want to be trusted again. A person who is still lying and refuses to admit what they've done plans on lying again and again. Then you have someone who's sorry but to prideful to say it, so they lose the people dearest to them because of their pride. Bottom line we're all wired differently so you have to accept which ever apology that works for you, however if there's still little thoughts gnawing at you once you've accepted an apology don't discard it! It's an alarm-your own personal built in alarm system that's telling you some thing's not quite right, don't ignore it or you'll be sorry.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What's Going On?!!!

Lately I find myself at a lost for words, seems to me that just about everything that I pray for the opposite happens! Wow... this can be extremely disheartening, the worse part is no one really has the answer for why these things happen. I know eventually things are made clear but in the meanwhile it can be a very unpleasant process. I've learned that during this type of experience we have to be most careful when we talk to others about what we're going through, I used to think that talking to unbelievers was the last thing you'd want to do, but I've had a change of heart. If we only talked to those who believe what we believe we wouldn't be able to see just where we are in our walk with Christ.

Recently something I'd been praying wouldn't happen happened! This prayer was according to the word of God, it wasn't a selfish prayer as I said it was according to God's will. However the will of someone else was involved, by the way this is the second time this exact thing has happened. So by this time I'm thinking why bother to pray at all? I spoke with somebody I trust about this but I wasn't satisfied, in fact I'm still struggling with this! Bottom line, while I'm waiting for an answer from the Lord I still have to find the strength to go on. I still have to pray and trust God in spite of my disappointments and this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do because my faith as well as my confidence in prayer has been shaken. That thing that I prayed for can not be reversed, it's already happened; it would be like trying to unring a bell! So it's not like I'm being impatient or I gave up, the thing that I was believing God for just didn't happen. I know there are people out there who feels or have felt this way, so I would love for you to share your experience with us if you've had a positive outcome for something like this.
I look forward to hearing from you!

God Bless You,